2 parks in one day?
Yes, we can!!!
Our last full day at Universal! Since we had a rest and relax day
the day before we were able to get up earlier, had some nice coffee,
thanks to the coffee maker that makes “Emeril” coffee and some of
the leftover doughnuts. We were out the door by 8.45 and caught a
boat to Universal Citywalk. We arrived at the Universal Studios Park
shortly after park opening. |
The lines were long, their gates never work properly, so by 9.20 we
entered the park. We had a good look at the store, thankfully there
is not much we want to buy and did the Jimmy Neutron ride again and
hopped onto the Shrek ride with very little wait too. After that we
decided to tackle the park counter clockwise and went back towards
the bakery and went past the Terminator ride. |
There was a fun hat shop and Tom tried several of their creations.
Since the weather was perfect we took quite a few photos of the
Battery Park area. We then went on to do the Simpsons ride. Again,
Universal Express saved the day, as we only had a 5 minute wait
until we were taken into the holding rooms inside the building.
After we had enjoyed the ride we decided to have an early lunch at
the International Food and Film Festival, World Expo. |
We both decided on the Asian offerings. We shared an
Egg Roll as a starter,
then shared the Sweet and
Sour Chicken,
with Fried Rice and Stir Fry Vegetables and the
Szechwan Orange Chicken,
with Fried Rice and Stir Fry Vegetables. Both came from the same
container, just the sauces were different! Once we had finished our
meal we rode the Simpson’s Ride once more, then moved on to the Men
in Black ride. |
As always, Universal Express helped as we did not have to get into a
standby line. On we went onto Jaws, then onto the Disaster Ride and
by then we needed a break, so we visited the Starbucks for a frozen
beverage. I had my favourite, a
Caramel Frappuccino and
Tom tried something new, the
Java Chip Frappuccino. |
Next stop, the Mummy ride, and since this was actually a walk on we
went on twice. There was only Twister left to do and we missed
walking onto it by about 30 seconds. So we had a 10 minute wait, but
then it was our time to enjoy the show. We tried to fit in the Rip
Ride Rock It coaster again, but there was a two hour wait and we
wanted to do all our favourite rides in the Islands of Adventures
park as well, so we decided to bypass it. Left the Studios park and
walked over to Islands of Adventures. |
We again tried to do the park counter clockwise. We started off with
the Cat in the Hat ride, no wait and we had a ride vehicle all to
ourselves. Then we got on
The High in
the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride! There was a standby
line, but thanks to Universal Express we were on in about 2 minutes.
Even though this is a kiddie ride, it is always fun to enjoy the
view from the train. We strolled through the lost continent and got
on the Duelling Dragons 5 times until we called it quits. |
We watched the Jurassic Park Boats plunge and decided to do the last
three rides of the day. |
First one was Spiderman, which was a walk on, then Dr. Doom’s
Fearfall, another walk on and the only ride left was the Incredible
Hulk ride. Since it was the last ride of the day and there was very
little wait, we rode it twice before we called it a day and left the
park. We did a little more shopping at Citywalk and then waited for
the boat to go back to the resort. |
After a short break we decided that we didn’t want to go out for
dinner again, so we drove over to Publix and got some salads,
pepperoni, bread and spreads to have a picnic in the room. We
prepared our little table, enjoyed the picnic and had a few more
bottles of beer and cans of Coke. Then it was finally time to pack
our bags as we wanted to check out of the resort early to throw in a
few more rides the next morning as well. We called it a day at
around 11pm. |