Finally – a sightseeing tour by bus and boat in Miami!
Our body-clocks were still on European time so we both got up rather
early, when it was still pitch black outside. Tom put on some coffee
and we had some peanut butter filled Oreos with it, while sitting
out on the balcony overlooking the ocean, waiting for the sun to
come up. We watched the sun come up, then took a shower and went
downstairs to the restaurant to have breakfast. The hotel restaurant
offers a buffet breakfast and it is really nice. |
After we had had breakfast we went back to the room for a little
while before we waited for the sightseeing tour bus to pick us up.
The concierge at the hotel told us it would arrive at around 20 past
9 and he was right. After a few more stops to pick up more
passengers for different tours we made it to the central meeting
point at Bayside Market Place. We were lucky, as we were on the
correct bus to begin with and could stay in our seats. |
A lot of other passengers joined us and off we went. The sightseeing
tour took about 2 ˝ hours and was really interesting. The year
before, we had planned on doing a similar tour and had not been
picked up, so this tour was really a wonderful chance to see most of
Miami. |
We stopped at Little Havanna for a while to check out the shops and
try some Cuban Coffee when the driver of the tour approached us to
ask if we wanted to join them for a boat tour to see the houses of
the rich and famous as well. We had been thinking about it
beforehand, but not knowing what the weather would be like we had
decided not to book it. Now we were able to still do it in the
afternoon. We had a break for lunch at Bayside Market Place and we
decided to have another Bubba Gump lunch. Tom had another Diet Coke,
while I had some more Strawberry Speckled
Lemonade. We decided to skip the appetizer and just have a main
course. |
Tom had Shrimper's Heaven, Coconut
Shrimp, Chilly Shrimp, Fried Shrimp, Tempura Shrimp, Fries, and of
course Dippin' Sauces and I decided to give
Mama Blue's Southern Charmed Fried Shrimp with hot and crispy
Fries and Cocktail Sauce for dippin' a try. Both were plenty and
absolutely delicious. Once we had finished our meal we went over to
the boat dock to board our sightseeing vessel. |
They offer a “sundeck” with chairs and an inside bar. When we
finally got to board the boat all the chairs on the sundeck were
taken and the bar windows were “blind” with condensation. So we
stood at the aft of the ship during the tour. It took about two
hours and there were lots of villas to see. |
Once the tour was over another bus took us back to our hotel. We
went up to our room and sat on the balcony for a while until we
decided we wanted to try and get a pair of black trousers for Tom.
We checked the internet for stores, programmed the addresses into
our GPS and went over to the garage and picked up the car. |
Finally we could put the top down and enjoy the “heat”.At the pet
store at the mall we had gone to we picked up 40$ worth of cat
treats, before we went in seach for Tom’s trousers. We finally found
some, but when we left the mall it was already dark. On the way back
to the garage we spotted a sign – a Krispy
Kreme sign that said, “HOT now”. We immediately made a d-tour,
picked up a dozen doughnuts, had some right there at the store and
then went back to the garage and the hotel. |
We spent the rest of the evening watching TV and watching the cruise
ships go by. Around 11pm we turned off the lights and went to bed.
It had been a long and eventful day, but the next morning we wanted
to drive to Key West and we want to get up early again.